The DNRC manages 6.7 million acres of land. Our state forests are an integral part of Montana's natural resources. Using the Montana Forest Action Plan as our guiding document we work to keep our forests healthy and sustainable for generations to come through cross-boundary forest restoration and management.
Our work supports cross-boundary, landscape-scale projects. Our stewardship approach promotes working forests that are resilient to disturbance and a changing climate. We provide information that is current, accurate, reliable, and grounded in the best available science, and communicate that information using intuitive, state-of-the-art public interfaces.
We value our relationships with both our internal and external partners and rely on the strength of these partnerships to deliver a coordinated approach to managing forests across ownerships.

The Montana Forest Action Plan
Fires, Insects, and Disease Don't Stop at Fence Lines Neither Should Our Management.
The Montana Forest Action Plan is the authoritative plan for addressing forest health and wildfire risk issues across all forested lands in Montana. Convening key statewide stakeholders and tribal nations to assess forest conditions and identify priority areas for focused treatment, The Montana Forest Action Plan provides recommended goals and strategies to help promote cross-boundary, landscape scale forest restoration and management.
Good Neighbor Authority
How does the Good Neighbor Authority play into Forest Management in Montana?
First authorized in the 2014 Farm Bill, The Good Neighbor Authority (GNA) allows states to utilize contracts to carry out forest and restoration work on both USFS and BLM lands. This means DNRC can work across jurisdictional boundaries to address the forest health and wildfire crisis by increasing the pace and scale of forest management in Montana. Since 70% of the forestland in Montana is federally owned, the ability to leverage our resources and work collaboratively with our federal partners is crucial.