Primary Phone Numbers
Conservation and Resource Development: 406-444-6667
Forestry and Fire: 406-542-4300
Trust Lands Management: 406-444-5499
Water Resources: 406-444-6601
Board of Oil and Gas Conservation: 406-656-0040
Do you have a question about
Eight Water Resources Regional Offices are located around the state to assist with water right applications and questions. Personnel at each office can inform you of specific water right considerations in your area.
Water Rights Headquarters in Helena: 406-444-6610
The Ground Water Assessment Program, established by the Montana Legislature in 1991, oversees the collection, interpretation, and publication of essential groundwater information. The Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology maintains a searchable database.
Phone: 406-496-4336
Ground Water Information Center
Administrative staff and specialists in the Department's Helena office and staff in field offices statewide manage the program. Local offices are the best contact for specific questions about your lease.
Agriculture and Grazing Bureau, Helena Office: 406-444-4951
Open burning is regulated because smoke from open burning can have serious health effects if released to the atmosphere during times of poor ventilation. Open Burning is allowed year-round, however, requirements to obtain a dispersion forecast prior to burning vary by season.
Contact DEQ Open Burning Permits: (406) 444-1452
Open Burn Information | County Burn Permit |
Timber, surface, and mineral resources are managed for the benefit of the common schools and the other endowed institutions in Montana, under the direction of the State Board of Land Commissioners. The board consists of Montana's five top elected officials.
Dispersed hunting and fishing is allowed on State Trust Land with the purchase of a conservation license from Fish, Wildlife and Parks. All hunting and fishing in Montana is regulated by FWP. Visit the FWP website for regulations on hunting and fishing.
Noxious weeds have a destructive impact on Montana's landscape by displacing native plant species, increasing soil erosion, and decreasing wildlife habitat and recreational opportunities. The Department of Agriculture's Noxious Weed Programs offer resources and assistance with the management of state- and county-listed noxious weeds.
If you are planning to do work on or near a waterway in Montana, one or several permits may be required. Conservation districts, along with participating agencies, created a Joint Application Form to help reduce the number of application forms that you need to complete to get your permits.