The Montana Grass Conservation Commission (MGCC) is a governor-appointed board whose mission is to conserve, protect, restore, and facilitate the proper utilization of grass, forage, and range resources in the state of Montana. The MGCC does this by organizing and administering the state grazing districts and promoting cooperation between agencies and the state grazing districts.

Commission Members

The MGCC is composed of five members which include: two officers or directors of state grazing districts, two active holders of grazing preferences to a state grazing district and an ex officio member appointed by the MGCC. 

  • Richard Stuker – Chairman – Chinook, MT
  • Craig French – Vice Chairman – Malta, MT 
  • Audra Ortega – Director – Glasgow, MT
  • Travis Brown – Director – Sand Springs, MT 
  • Sig Pugrud – Director – Winnett, MT 

Executive Vice President: 

Sandra Brown
(406) 635-5868
PO Box 622, Terry MT 59349

Meeting Information

Upcoming Meeting: 

Montana Grass Conservation Commission Meeting-March 27, 2005-Agenda (link)

Zoom Information (link)


Meeting Materials:

Previous Meeting Materials: 

December 10, 2024

November 26, 2024

This meeting will involve group evaluation of the RFP Solicitation, DNRC-RFP-2025-1236, Grass Commission History of Federal & State Laws.

This meeting will be closed as required by 18.4.303 (3) MCA. A 7-day comment period will take place after the Notice of Intent to Award is posted in the eMACS site. 

October18, 2024

July 18, 2024

June 28, 2024


State Grazing Districts

Grazing districts are the result of the 1934 Taylor Grazing Act. Before this act was passed, land that was valued for grazing purposes was unappropriated and unreserved from the public domain. These lands were used, but during the controversy of sustainable grazing practices during the 1930’s Dust Bowl, the rights to use this land led the government to act on grazing issues. The Taylor Grazing Act enabled locals to petition the Secretary of the Interior to create a local grazing district. Upon acceptance, a board would be formed to manage permits for grazing preferences, finances to maintain leases and range improvements, and to generally maintain order of the grazing of the public lands within their grazing district. 

Montana’s leading industry is agriculture. Many people in production agriculture rely on public lands for grazing. Many of these lands are within the boundaries of the state’s 27 grazing districts. The grazing districts have maintained strong partnerships with many federal and state agencies and non-government organizations to promote stewardship and administration of public lands. The maintenance of Montana’s public lands is vital to the members of the state grazing districts whose livelihood depends on a healthy relationship between the land and livestock and also the economic success of Montana.