Painted Rocks and Tongue River Reservoirs

Beginning in 2022 and each subsequent year, State Water Project Lands cabin site sale nominations will be received bi-annually from January 1st – 31st and July 1st – 31st.  The cabin site sales process will commence after each nomination period closes.

As of January 1, 2022, the Water Resources Division State Water Projects Bureau of the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation began making cabin/home site lease lots available for sale at the request of the Lessee, in accordance with Montana Code Annotated 85-1-811.

The State Water Projects Bureau manages cabin/home site leases at Painted Rocks reservoir in Ravalli County and at Tongue River reservoir in Big Horn County.  The majority of these cabin/home sites are located adjacent to State Water Project reservoirs and vary in lot size under a half of an acre.   

Please call (406) 444-6692 for more information regarding these properties.

See links below for more information.

Scheduled Auctions

 Recently Sold

If you are a Trust Lands Lessee or Improvement Owner, see DNRC Trust Lands Cabin/Home Site Sales