Land For Sale

Sale #2059

More Information Coming Soon


  • Gallatin County
  •  23.037ac+
  • Tract 1-A and Tract 1-B of Gallatin County COS 3137, Section 34, T2N-R2E
Please contact Andrew Clary at or by telephone at (406)444-1445 if you have any questions regarding Land Banking or the auction process

Lands Sold

  • Lands sold are no longer accessible as State Trust Lands
  • Permission to access these parcels must be obtained from the private owner

A complete list of lands sold can be found here.

More Information

With the Land Banking Program, it is now possible for the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation to sell land to the public and put the proceeds in a Land Banking Trust Fund. The combined funds from multiple sales can then be used to purchase lands which produce a higher level of income than the lands sold. This results in a greater income to the trust beneficiaries (U of M, MSU, Common Schools, etc.).