The Trust Lands Minerals Management Bureau is responsible for leasing, permitting and managing approximately 1,171 oil and gas leases on 474,341 acres of the available 6.2 million acres of State Trust Lands and approximately 11,885 acres of other state-owned land throughout Montana.

Oil and Gas Leasing Reference Map

Try our new State of Montana Trust Lands oil and gas leasing reference map.
We designed the map with our lessees, operators and other stakeholders in mind. We created a product where current leases, lands available for lease nomination, well production and much more are included. Click on the "learn more" button to get started.
If you have questions or suggestions for improvement related to the map, please contact the trust land petroleum engineer, Zack Winfield -

General Lease Sale Information

The Department conducts four State Land oil and gas lease sales each year. Tracts can be nominated by completing and returning a lease application form.

Visit our oil and gas leasing calendar for nomination deadline and sale dates. 

Lease sales are conducted online and hosted by EnergyNet. Sign up online to submit a bid (Buyer Registration Page).

Visit EnergyNet

2025 Oil & Gas Leasing Calendar

February 26 - March 4, 2025 Oil and Gas Lease Sale

Sale Results

The quarterly oil and gas lease sale conducted by the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation was hosted by EnergyNet through the week of February 26 – March 4, 2025. The March sale included 15 tracts in the following counties:  Blaine (4), Richland (4), Richland/Roosevelt (5), and Toole (2).

The only action proposed at this time is the issuance of leases for possible future exploration and production. Before any activity occurs, DNRC will prepare an environmental review.  The state Board of Oil and Gas must also review, and issue permits before any activity can occur.




You may also request your name be added to our mailing list to receive the same information through e-mail or mail.
Phone: (406) 444-4576 or
You can send your e-mail or mailing address to:
Email: Theresa Hossfeld at 
Mailing address:
Mineral Leasing Section
Department of Natural Resources & Conservation (DNRC)
PO Box 201601
Helena, MT  59620-1601