The Forest Products program provides technical assistance to support the forest products industry, forest product market developments, and forest biomass energy applications. The program engages with the design-build sector to promote wood construction and Montana wood products. The Wood Products Program directly supports the Working Forests and Economies goals of the Forest Action Plan.
The Forest Products Industry Supports Healthy Wildlife Habitat

Without a productive forest products industry in Montana, forest management projects would cost thousands of dollars an acre to implement. These projects are critical for reducing wildfire risk to communities and improving wildlife habitat. 

This video highlights the collaborative work between DNRC and Fish, Wildlife and Parks on the Threemile Wildlife Management Area to improve forage conditions for large game animals.

Did you know?
Did you know?

Wood is the only major building material that is completely renewable and Forest products make up Montana's third-largest industry

  • Each American uses an estimated 100-foot tree's worth (43 cubic feet) of wood each year! 
  • Wood is the only major building material that is renewable and stores more carbon during growth than is emitted during harvest, processing, and transport combined.
  • Montana has 19.8 million acres of productive, non-reserved timberlands, and 860,000 acres of industrial and managed timberland is third-party certified for sustainable practices.
  • 6,530 Montanans are employed in forest-based jobs
  • Forestry is #3 in Montana’s economic impact ranking
  • 77% of the energy used in the Montana forest products industry is renewable wood energy produced and consumed on-site.
  • 16 public and non-profit facilities in Montana generate heat and hot water with renewable wood energy. 
Mulch Pile
Kalispell Timber Tour
Timber on Truck