The Department administers timber sales through two important and distinct programs across a variety landscapes in Montana. 

The DNRC State Trust Lands administers approximately 793,000 acres of forested state trust land. Forested land managed by the DNRC accounts for less than 4% of Montana's forested landscape; however, DNRC generates nearly 20% of the annual harvested volume in the state.

Good Neighbor Authority allows states to work on behalf of federal agencies using state procedures, personnel, and contracts to carry out management and restoration activities on federal lands. Revenue generated from the sale of timber on federal lands is then reinvested in future forest management and restoration projects to get more work done on the ground.

Trust Lands Current Timber Sales

Hay Coulee Timber Permit

Bid Opening

April 1, 2025 @2PM

No Tellum Timber Sale

Bid Opening

April 17, 2025 @2PM

 GNA Current Timber Sales

CLICK HERE to view bid results from DNRC State Trust Lands and Good Neighbor Authority timber sales.