Fire is part of Montana.

That means we, as Montanans, must learn how to live with fire. You can prepare yourself, your home, and your community for wildfire by visiting


Prepare your property

Taking action to retrofit or harden your home against wildfire and treating your property to reduce flammable materials can greatly reduce your home's wildfire risk.

If you are looking for professional help, request a Wildfire Risk Assessment. A fire professional will assess your property and provide recommendations for how to better prepare for wildfire. 

Request a site visit

Risk reduction grant programs

Wildfire Home Retrofit Guide & Fire Smart Landscaping Guide


Prepare for smoke and evacuation 

Prepare yourself, your family, and your community for smoke impacts and evacuation with the resources below.

Current fire information

Smoke checklist & evacuation checklist

Ready, Set, Go!



Prepare your community

Engage with your community in wildfire prevention planning with the resources below.


Community Wildfire Protection Plans

Fire Adapted Communities

Firewise Communities