
The Local Government Forestry Assistance Grant program is intended to help local governments engage in activities to accelerate the pace and scale of forest management to reduce wildland fire hazards, improve forest health, and enhance economic productivity on cross-boundary projects that include federal, state, or private lands in Montana.

Grant Cycle

The Request for Proposals is CLOSED.

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  • Local governments

Activities should contribute to the Montana Forest Action Plan Goals (MFAP):

  1. Reduce wildfire risk
  2. Improve forest health
  3. Improve or retain biodiversity and habitats
  4. Develop or retain working forests
  5. Contribute to local economies
  6. Adapt to climate change
  7. Counties can request financial assistance to support projects under litigation


Allowable Activities: 

  1. Contribute to the funding for a county forester, support staff, or contractors, to increase county contributions to cross-boundary forest management.
  2. New or existing projects that coordinate and integrate local partner efforts to mitigate community wildfire risk, particularly in the home ignition zone (HIZ). Includes funding to provide technical assistance to landowners and for landowner assessments.
  3. Reimburse travel costs for local government representatives and their collaborative group members to attend meetings, workshops or conferences related to their project implementation or cross-boundary forest management procedures and regulations. Approved travel expenses will be reimbursed at state rates and in accordance with state travel policy.

Grant Amount: Grants awarded typically range from $3,000 to a maximum of $8,000. Award amounts may vary due to funding availability and the number and quality of applications received.

Match: Grants require a 10% match. Match can be in the form of cash contributions to project activities. Cash contributions are encouraged and will be used as an evaluation criterion during application review.

Grant funds are issued on a reimbursement basis for activities approved in a grant agreement.

A request for proposals is available from March 1- April 1, 2024 via Submittable.

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Contact Us

Carol Nunn-Hatfield
Local Government Forest Advisor