Legal Access

Trust lands are legally accessible if you get there by: 

  • Public Road
  • Adjacent public land
  • Public waters under stream access law
  • Permissions from an adjacent landowner
  • Public access agreement between a private landowner and Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks. 
Not legal Access: 
  • Access by aircraft
  • Crossing private land without permission

Notification Requirements

Lessees of legally accessible trust land may require notification (not permission) prior to entry.  If notification is required, signs will be posted at common access points with lessee contact information. 

Additionally, trust land may be included in Block Management Agreements.  In those instances, block management rules apply. 

Recreationists are encouraged to communicate with lessees, and adjacent landowners when recreating near private land.  

Some trust lands are closed to recreation, or have restrictions on the types of recreation that can occur.

Closures and Restrictions

Recreation is not allowed on trust land that:

  • has active growing crops
  • is for residential use (cabin/home sites)
  • is leased for commercial use
  • has active military training
  • has extreme wildfire threat
  • Is otherwise specifically closed or restricted

These types of restrictions are typically related to public safety, and can be temporary or long-term.  Signs are posted at common access points. 

This interactive map shows closures and restrictions that DNRC has adopted on trust Land.  It does not include hunting restrictions that may be in effect from Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks. 

Closures and Restrictions Map

These are management closures or restrictions that may be in place for lease management activities, such as livestock calving, weaning, shipping, weed control, or other temporary management activities that are not compatible with recreational use.  Signs are posted at common access points.  These types of closures are not always included in the site-specific restrictions map due to the short duration. 

If there are management closures in place, the department will post them here. 

Temporary Management Closures List