All hunting and fishing in Montana is regulated by Montana’s Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks (FWP).  Check out their Hunt page or Fish page for statewide regulations and other tips. 

Outfitting and guiding on state trust land requires a special recreational use license (SRUL).    The license fee is based on the acreage and terms of the license.  Additionally, SRULs may be issued through competitive bidding.  

View General Outfitting SRUL Terms

To apply

  • Submit your application and $25 application fee to the DNRC field office where you plan to outfit at least 30 days prior to your planned start date.
  • Over the summer months, DNRC field office staff are committed to seasonal field work and wildfire protection. We encourage you to apply by June 1 for fall outfitting. 
  • Apply now

DNRC Review

  • DNRC reviews applications in the order that they are received.
  • Lessees are scoped for comment on new outfitting applications.
  • DNRC will consider lessee comments, anticipated user conflicts, application order, history of violations, and other environmental or land management factors.