Administrative Rule Review

The Montana DNRC is actively reviewing administrative rules that impact public use of state trust land.  This review is occurring in phases in order to ensure clarity in process. 

Through the fall and winter of 2024, DNRC worked to remedy rules that conflicted with existing statute, and to align food storage requirements with other state lands and federal lands in Montana.  A proposal notice was approved by the Montana Board of Land Commissioners (Land Board) at their August 19, 2024 meeting.  DNRC scoped for public comment and for environmental impacts through October 4, 2024, and a public hearing was held on September 26, 2024.  The Land Board approved the adoption notice at their January 21, 2025 meeting, and the amended rules were effective on February 7, 2025.  

Phase 2 will consider renumbering and organizing public use rules within their own section of the administrative rules to provide clarity and make the rules easier to find.  Phase 2 rulemaking is anticipated to begin in the spring of 2025.
Phase 3 contemplates a broad look at opportunities to simplify language within the rules, and review for relevancy.  Phase 3 rulemaking is anticipated to begin in late 2025 or early 2026 with stakeholder and public outreach.
To sign up as an interested party for public use rulemaking join our mailing list . 

Documents and References

Current Recreational Use Rules (ARM 36.25.143 - 36.25.167)

Current Recreational Use Statute (MCA 77-1-801 et seq.)

Secretary of State Administrative Rules Webpage

Important Dates

Phase 2 rulemaking is anticipated to begin the spring of 2025.  This section will be updated to reflect dates as soon as they are available. 
Land Board Meeting - Proposal Notice: 


 Public Hearing: 


Public Comment Deadline: 


Land Board Meeting - Adoption Notice: 


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