Upper Musselshell Water Project (UMWP) History
- Infrastructure completed in 1939 by federal WPA and State of Montana Water Conservation Board
- Currently owned by DNRC and operated by Upper Musselshell Water Users Association (UMWUA)
- Project consists of three dams, two reservoirs with total of 30,134 acre-feet of storage and five canals at 52 miles in total length
- Primary Purpose: Irrigation
- Number of Users: 22 ranches
- Acres Irrigated: 30,658
- Primary Diversion Point:
Project History
The 32-mile long Two Dot Canal located west of Two Dot has had significant deterioration issues related to original design and substandard repairs and has required significant rehabilitation. The UMWU have also noted that considerable amounts of seepage loss existed through many sections of the canal and water shortages were problematic. In 2007, a highway patrolman observed sloughing on a hillside below the canal, in the vicinity of Highway 12 near Two Dot. This sloughing was likely propagated by the excessive canal seepage. Failure of this canal section could cause damage to US Highway 12, private property and created a significant risk to the traveling public. The DNRC and the UMWUA understood that this unstable section of canal and associated seepage areas create a significant hazard and should be remedied. The DNRC investigated numerous alternatives for liners and concluded that an EPDM liner was the most effective solution.
Work Breakdown
- Dewatering of Smith Lake
- Removal of concrete spillway
- Construction of new embankment
- Construction of new rock lined spillway
- Removal of stream diversion structure
- Hydroseeding
- Log boom (debris containment)
Project Funding
The total cost of the project was $118,511. To finance the project, the DNRC used the following sources:
- DNR RRGL Grant: $100,000
- Grant secured through the RRGL program.
DNRC In-Kind: $18,511
- DNRC staff salaries & benefits
Project Status & Results
- Project was completed in 2010
Project Partners
Owner: DNRC
Engineer: DNRC staff
Contractor: Glacier Excavating, Inc.