DNRC is eligible to receive significant funding under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law for the next five years to improve Dam Safety in Montana. The purpose of this webpage is to provide information to the Montana Dam Safety Community. Please keep checking back as we will provide frequent updates.
A Pilot Study of Dam Inspection Expense Assistance
The value of high-quality dam inspections and safety evaluations cannot be overstated. In 2024, the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) initiated a two year dam inspection cost share pilot study using Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) funding. This report summarizes the pilot study design, sets forth conclusions from the first year, and recommends that the state pursue a permanent cost-share program. To read the report, click the link above.
If you own a DNRC regulated high hazard dam with a reservoir that provides public benefits, DNRC will consider sharing the costs of completing your Five-Year Dam Evaluation.
To request assistance, please email or mail a letter to DNRC Dam Safety Program Manager Brent Zundel (bzundel@mt.gov) describing the public benefits of the reservoir and details of the planned Five Year Evaluation. Instructions and other important information are contained in the following document:
Five Year Dam Evaluation Expense Assistance Request Instructions
Important InformationQuestions? Please refer to: Questions you may have about the Five Year Evaluation Expense Assistance Program. You may also contact any Dam Safety Program staff member; our contact information is listed at the bottom of this page.
DNRC has templates and information available to help dam owners conduct their annual inspections on the following web page: For-Dam-Owners
Dam Owners have requested improved resources for documenting the inspections, including easier to use inspection and photo forms, the ability to customize the forms according to the dam and developing apps for tablets and phones that make recording an inspection easier. Other requests include developing improved methods for archive and documenting photos and providing confined space entry forms and information.
To Dam Owners: What are your requests? What can DNRC do to make your annual owner inspections more efficient? Please email us your ideas (contact info below).
Doug Brugger, PE - Interim Water Operations Bureau Chief (406) 444-1300
Brent Zundel, PE - Dam Safety Program Manager (406) 556-4508
Chad Hill - Dam Safety Engineering Specialist (406) 444-1358
Sam Johnson, PE - Dam Safety Construction Engineer (406) 247-4423
Mickey Navidomskis, PE - Engineering Services Supervisor (406) 542-5885
Linda Winn - Billings Regional Engineer (406) 256-7660
Peri Turk, PE - Helena Regional Engineer (406) 444-1872
Ryan Murphy, EI - Lewistown Regional Engineer (406) 535-1926
Larry Schock - Missoula Regional Engineer (406) 542-5885
Garett Waite, EI - Havre Regional Engineer (406) 808-7127