DNRC's Water Sciences Bureau supports local and state-wide water resource management decisions by providing high quality and accurate real-time surface, groundwater, and reservoir monitoring data, conducting technical analysis of water right applications, conducting surface and groundwater hydrologic assessments, conducting water availability studies, and training court appointed water commissioners in water measurement.
Scroll down to learn more.
Streamflow Information
Water is one of Montana’s most precious natural resources. The Montana DNRC Stream Gage Program operates surface water, groundwater, and reservoir monitoring locations across the state of Montana.
Access to data from the DNRC Stream Gage Program is available on the Stream and Gage Explorer web application.

Regional Basin Information
Surface water and groundwater information available in each regional watershed basin.
Water Commissioner Information
Training and technical support is available for water commissioners, ditch riders, dam tenders, state and federal water managers, and District Court and Water Court personnel.

Water Measurement Program
The Montana Water Measurement Program seeks to resolve conflicts between competing water uses such as agriculture, fisheries, industrial, municipal and recreation.
Water Resource Reference Center
Reports, study's and related technical information compiled by the Water Sciences Bureau

About Us
DNRC's Water Sciences Bureau supports local and state-wide water resource management decisions by providing high quality and accurate real-time surface, groundwater, and reservoir monitoring data, conducting technical analysis of water right applications, conducting surface and groundwater hydrologic assessments, conducting water availability studies, and training court appointed water commissioners in water measurement.