
The Irrigation Development Grant (IDG) Program supports irrigation projects that increase or sustain irrigated agriculture in Montana. Projects must address a need that will result in a benefit to irrigated agriculture.

Irrigation is the dominant commercial use of Montana’s water and is a key component of Montana’s economy, accounting for 96% of surface and ground water withdrawals. The IDG program was created to increase the value of irrigated crops while preserving natural resources and the environment for future generations.

Current Grant Cycle  
Open until January 10 at 5:00pm 
Before applying, please read the IDG Application Guidelines  


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Eligible Applicants:

As defined in MCA 85-1-102(6)(a), "Private Person" means any individual, association, partnership, corporation, or other non-governmental entity that is not eligible for loans and grants under MCA 85-1-605.

  • Individuals/Private Person
  • Associations
  • Partnerships
  • Corporations

Small family on farm projects (MCA 85-1-610(2)) must be given preference. A family farm is one devoted primarily to agriculture under the ownership of a resident Montana family.


Eligible Projects:

The project must (1) address development or sustainment of Montana's irrigated agriculture, and (2) initiate or increase the sponsor's water conservation or measurement efforts.  Projects may include equipment replacement (excepting private wells and sprinkler systems such as wheel lines and pivots), infrastructure repair, investigations, and planning.

Projects resulting in adverse effects to renewable resources are ineligible.

Eligible Projects Must:

  • Measurably conserve, manage, develop, or preserve resources.
  • Provide public benefits (MCA 85-1-609(1)(g)).
  • Address development or sustainment of Montana's irrigated agriculture.
  • Initiate or increase the sponsor's water conservation or measurement efforts.
  • Be constructed, developed, and operated within the State of Montana.

Examples of Projects Include: 

  • Advancement of farming practices that reduce agricultural chemical use.
  • Land Leveling
  • Measurement
  • Planning
  • New Development
  • Repairs and upgrades

Ineligible Expenses:

  • Grant administration costs
  • Program Costs aka indirect costs:
    • "Program costs" means non-reimbursable costs not directly related to the project. Program costs include but are not limited to: office rent that will be incurred whether or not the project is implemented; salaries of existing fully funded staff positions unless the work hours associated with the project are accounted for; or any other costs that pay for ongoing or general services of the applicant. For example: rent, utilities, licenses, reoccurring/regular meetings/newsletters (unrelated to planning or specific capacity development), staff time (unrelated to planning or specific capacity development), ongoing cost deemed necessary to continue business (operations).
  • Political lobbying or litigation
  • Land or property acquisition
  • Food or beverages
  • Activities that limit lawful access to property (see MCA 85-1-602(4)).

Irrigation development grants range from $5,000 to $50,000.

Grants may be awarded up to $50,000 for most projects depending on available funding, the intended activities, and based upon a budget that is supported by a clear scope of work.  Projects of state-wide significance may be considered for funding above this level.

Private individuals and entities are eligible for a grant that covers 50% of project costs up to a program maximum award of $50,000 and total minimum project cost of $100,000.


 How to Apply: 

Please contact the Program Manager with any questions. Applications can be submitted online through Submittable. 

Application Review and Award 
DNRC solicits, evaluates, and ranks each application.  Funds are awarded based on rank and available funding.

Additional Information

Other Funding for Irrigation Projects:

Renewable Resource Grants



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