Grant Cycles
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Eligible Applicants:
- Individuals/Private Person
- Associations
- Partnerships
- Corporations
As defined in MCA 85-1-102(6)(a), "Private Person" means any individual, association, partnership, corporation, or other non-governmental entity that is not eligible for loans and grants under 85-1-605.
All funding is available to for-profit and nonprofit.
Eligible Projects:
- Promotes the objectives of the Renewable Resource Grant and Loan Program.
- Provides public benefits.
- Must be constructed in Montana.
- New home construction is not eligible for the private grant program.
- Efficient use of water without diminishing the quality.
- You have submitted a complete application before starting your project.
- The project has not used funds from the Private Grant Program in the last five years.
- The project will be given priority if it provides for more than one purpose for the facility.
Examples of Projects include:
- Projects that promote water conservation, water quality or beneficial use
- Dam inspections and repair
- Irrigation system improvements
- Septic tank replacement
- Emergency water system improvements
- Watershed improvements
Projects Not Eligible For Funding
- Feasibility studies;
- domestic well construction;
- research;
- new home construction;
- and/or public information projects
- commercial, income and rental property
For most water projects, you must provide a copy of your Water Right issued by the DNRC.
A septic system repair or replacement project must have a letter from a regulatory agency requiring the repair or replacement.Owners of small systems have difficulty in meeting Safe Drinking Water Act regulations, but must meet the same requirements that municipal water systems face. Most of the funds are targeted to assist small, privately owned water or wastewater systems.
High-hazard, private dam and water measuring projects are solicited by the Dam Safety Bureau and the Water Management Bureau of the Water Resources Division of DNRC.• Reimbursement based on actual provided receipts.
• Reimbursement on a one-time only basis.
• Match funding may include in-kind labor, materials and other grants.
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Renewable Resource Grants
Private Grants
Emergency Grants