Trees for Indigenous Nations Grant

Application period is now closed.

Who can apply?
Any federally recognized Tribal entity in the state of Montana, Tribal-based organizations, local and Tribal governments, and non-profit organizations that serve a Tribal community. Preference will be given to projects that take place within Tribal Communities.

$1,000,000 available in funding: Typical projects will be $50,000 - 150,000.Why is this funding important?
This funding aims to develop and implement urban community forestry (UCF) projects that address the specific needs and priorities of your community.

Projects may include:

  • Increased access to healthy green spaces
  • Enhanced tree canopy and ecosystem benefits
  • Climate adaptation
  • Improved air and water quality

Additionally, projects may focus on increasing local engagement and education opportunities, and developing sustainable urban forestry infrastructure for the long term.

Pitch us your idea!
We want to see your community forest ideas! To share your project concept, please complete a quick survey in Submittable by visiting here. If this is your first time using Submittable, you will need to set up an account. Below are some helpful resources for using the platform:

Example Project Categories:

Based on the UCF program’s previous work with Tribal partners, here are some examples of projects you might implement:

  • Tree plantings: Urban restoration efforts; biodiversity enhancement; community and ecosystem health; trees in rural community landscapes; interpretive, cultural, and educational plantings; and shelterbelts.
  • Sustainability: Climate change mitigation, restoring culturally important tree species, tree establishment and maintenance, removals and replacements, and wood utilization.
  • Outreach and Education: Planning public awareness campaigns, building, and sharing ecological knowledge, strengthening partnerships, and community engagement.
  • Capacity Building: Professional development, and local workforce training.
  • Tree Orchards and Food Forest Sovereignty Programs: Establishing and supporting tree orchards and food forests.
  • Localized, Sustainable Trees: Procurement and propagation of culturally significant trees.

Inflation Reduction Act Grant

The application period is now closed. This was the final round of this funding opportunity.

Who can apply?

Projects need to take place entirely within a disadvantaged area as defined by the Montana Urban and Community Forestry Grant Tool. This tool identifies areas that are marginalized, underserved, and overburdened by pollution in national datasets. No match is required for these funds, but additional tracking and reporting requirements may be required.

$300,000 available (no match requirement): Typical projects will be $10,000 - 50,000.

Projects may include:

  • Human and Community Health
  • Biodiversity, Urban Forest Resilience
  • Canopy cover; ecosystem benefits
  • Emerald Ash Borer
  • Climate change; education
  • Workforce development
  • Inventory and management plans
  • Hazardous tree removal and replacement


Informational webinar recording from December 12, 2023 regarding the IRA & PD Grant funding opportunity can be accessed below.

Program Development Grant

The application period is now closed. Check back in January 2026.

Who can apply?
Montana cities, towns, counties, universities, nonprofits and tribal governments
Informational webinar recording from December 12, 2023 regarding the IRA & PD Grant funding opportunity can be accessed below.

$90,000 available (3:1 match requirement): Typical projects will be $10,000 - 20,000.

Projects may include:

  • Human and Community Health
  • Biodiversity, Urban Forest Resilience
  • Canopy cover; ecosystem benefits
  • Emerald Ash Borer
  • Climate change; education
  • Workforce development
  • Inventory and management plans
  • Hazardous tree removal and replacement
PD and IRA Grants Webinar
Overview of IRA & PD Grants changes: 2:21
Using the Submittable platform & quick facts: 18:22
DNRC’s IRA Map Tutorial: 29:25
Q&A session: 38:53
Urban Forestry Grants Webinar
Webinar start: 6:00
Grant agreement walk through: 9:00
Using Submittable: 22:00

Project Implementation: 32:00

Reporting and tracking: 42:00

Tree Planting Grants

Application period is now open and will close February 14, 2025.

Application period is now closed.

For the purchase and planting of one or more trees in the celebration of Arbor Day.

  • All communities are eligible for a $350 grant
  • Tree City USA communities are eligible for a $850 grant
  • Matching funds are encouraged but not required
  • “Tree-centric” grants, meaning trees are the only plant materials eligible for purchase


Helpful Resources and Documents:

General Resources:

 Program Development and Inflation Reduction Act Grant Resources:

 Tree Planting Grant Resources:


*The Request for Proposal process has been streamlined, using an online platform called Submittable. 

  • For first-time users, you will be prompted to set up a new user account.
  • To access the Common Questions Center related to our new RFP platform, please visit the Submittable Help Center by clicking here.
  • Submittable Tips and Tricks