" ....dams play a crucial role in maintaining the vitality of Montana's economy. The state therefore has a legitimate and compelling interest in encouraging the construction of dams."  "The legislature further finds that one impediment to the construction of new dams is the potential liability associated with dam construction and operation. The legislature understands the inherent risks to public safety associated with dam construction and operation but finds that compliance with the Montana Dam Safety Act reduces those risks to an acceptable level."

---- Montana Code Annotated 85-15-115

Is Your Dam Above Homes, Highways or Other Structures?

Complaints, Emergencies and Tools for Dam Safety

Dam Safety Publications, Videos and Bulletins

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Dam Inspection Assistance Report

The value of high-quality dam inspections and safety evaluations cannot be overstated. In 2024, the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) initiated a two year dam inspection cost share pilot study using Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) funding. This report summarizes the pilot study design, sets forth conclusions from the first year, and recommends that the state pursue a permanent cost-share program. To read the report, click the link below.

A Pilot Study of Dam Inspection Expense Assistance

A Pilot Study Dam Inpsection Expense Assistance
March Bulletin 2025

The Dam Safety Program March 2025 Bulletin can be downloaded by clicking on the image. The bulletin includes:

  • Important information regarding the 2025 inspection assistance program
  • An overview of HB 256, an exciting bill making its way through the Legislature, that could provide benefits to Montana dam owners
  • Program updates and staff changes

DSP March 2025 Bulletin

DNRC Dam Safety Program
1424 9th Avenue
PO Box 201601
Helena, MT 59620-1601

Contacts for Water Operations Bureau                                   REGIONAL ENGINEERS MAP (pdf)
Douglas Brugger, PE, CFM
Bureau Chief (406) 444-1300 Helena Central Office

Brent Zundel

Brent Zundel, PE, CFM

Dam Safety Program Manager / Civil Engineer

(406) 444-6613

2273 Boot Hill Court, Ste 10, Bozeman, MT 59715

Bozeman Regional Office

Chad Hill

Chadrick Hill 

Dam Safety Engineer
(406) 444-1358 Helena Central Office

Sam Johnson

Sam Johnson, PE, CFM

Dam Safety Construction Engineer (406) 247-4423
1371 Rimtop Drive, Billing, MT 59105
Billings Regional Office
Amanda Peterson Administrative Support (406) 444-0862 Helena Central Office

 Mickey Navidomskis

Mickey Navidomskis, PE

Engineering Services Section Supervisor

(Dam Safety, Floodplain, State Water Projects)

(406) 542-5885
2705 Spurgin Road, Bldg C, Missoula, MT 59806
Gallatin, Madison, Park

Linda Winn

Linda Winn, CFM

Billings Regional Engineer
(Dam Safety, Floodplain, State Water Projects)

(406) 256-7660
1371 Rimtop Drive, Billing, MT 59105
Big Horn, Carbon, Carter, Custer, Fallon, Park, Powder River, Prairie, Rosebud, Stillwater, Sweet Grass, Treasure, Wibaux, Yellowstone


Garett Waite, EI

Havre Regional Engineer
(Dam Safety, Floodplain, State Water Projects)

(406) 808-7127
210 Sixth Ave, Havre, MT 59501
Blaine, Choteau, Daniels, Glacier, Hill, Liberty, Phillips, Pondera, Roosevelt, Sheridan, Teton, Toole, Valley

Peri Turk

Peri Turk, PE, CFM

Helena Regional Engineer (Dam Safety, Floodplain, State Water Projects)


(406) 444-1872

1424 9th Avenue, Helena, MT 59620

Beaverhead, Broadwater, Deer Lodge, Jefferson, Lewis & Clark, Powell, Silver Bow

Ryan Murphy

Ryan Murphy, EI, CFM

Lewistown Regional Engineer
(Dam Safety, Floodplain, State Water Projects)
(406) 535-1926
613 NE Main, Ste E, Lewistown, MT 59457
Cascade, Dawson, Fergus, Garfield, Golden Valley, Judith Basin, McCone, Meagher, Musselshell, Petroleum, Richland, Wheatland

Larry Schock

Larry Schock, CFM

Missoula Regional Engineer
(Dam Safety, Floodplain, State Water Projects)
(406) 542-5885
2705 Spurgin Road, Bldg C, Missoula, MT 59806
Flathead, Granite, Lake, Lincoln, Mineral, Missoula, Ravalli, Sanders