Timber Harvesting
Timber harvesting is an important tool that can be used to reduce wildfire risk, maintain and restore forest health, improve wildlife habitat, an generate income. When carefully planned, a harvest can meet multiple objectives. Harvesting timber can be complicated, and only you can decide whether a timber harvest is right for your forest. DNRC administers several laws associated with timber harvesting. Visit the Forest Practices page before planning your harvest to ensure compliance.
Below are resources to assist you with planning a timber sale, from technical assistance to educational videos and guides.
Timber Harvesting for Private Landowners, The Stewardship Approach
Assistance with Logging and Selling Timber

When hiring a logging contractor, always ask for credentials and references.The Montana Logging Association (MLA) keeps an updated list of Accredited Logging Professionals. These individuals have gone through a voluntary education program and complete continuing education credits annually in the fields of Forest Stewardship, Safety, and Operational Sustainability to provide a high level of service to landowners.

Your local Montana DNRC Service Forester is available for planning assistance, but to meet the demand for their services they generally limit their time to a few hours per ownership. They can also supply a list of prospective buyers in your area
Resources for Logging and Selling Timber (PDF)
Additional Resources
- Your local conservation district can assist with stream permitting and may be able to offer assistance with erosion control, thinning, tree planting, and other needs related to timber harvesting.
- Forest Stewardship Planning Workshops offered through Montana State University Extension can help landowners identify their objectives and write a forest plan, a first step to planning a timber harvest. Additional courses on topics such as Advanced Silviculture or Timber Sale Management are also offered every few years through the Master Forest Steward Program.
- Montana State Extension Forestry has several additional resources and newsletters focused on harvesting.
- Montana Tree Farm System offers Sustainable Forestry Certification and forester site visits with technical assistance to help you make the right choices for your land.
- View possible animal and plant species of concern on your forested land in Montana before beginning your harvest.