All hunting and fishing in Montana is regulated by Montana’s Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks (FWP). Check out their Hunt page or Fish page for statewide regulations and other tips.
Dispersed hunting and fishing is allowed on state trust land with the purchase of your conservation license from FWP. The conservation license is a prerequisite for all other tags or licenses issued through FWP, so if you have a current fishing license or a game tag, you also already have a conservation license.
Shooting Restrictions:
- Discharging a firearm is not allowed within ¼ mile of a dwelling or associated outbuilding.
- Site-specific shooting restrictions apply in some places. See our Access page for locations of special restrictions.
Outfitting: Outfitted hunting or fishing requires a Special Recreational Use License (SRUL). Outfitters apply with the local DNRC field office where the outfitting trip is planned. See our Outfitting and Guiding page for more info.
Hunting Camps: See our Camping page for information on stay limits, campfires, and more.
Tree Stands and Ground Blinds: Hunters may use portable tree stands and ground blinds during the applicable district hunting season. Permanent tree stands and ground blinds are not allowed, including spikes or other permanent steps to access tree stands.
Permit to hunt from vehicle: Hunters with a “permit to hunt from vehicle” issued by FWP are authorized to drive on any road, except those that are closed by DNRC with a sign or barrier.
Gates: Fences and gates are in place for livestock management. Remember to leave gates the way you find them – if it’s closed, close it behind you.